I am typing this on my phone in a spare minute while Girl #1 is playing in the bath and Girl #2 is being tucked in by Daddy.
I planted seed for onions, bell pepper and jalapeno peppers, some Asters and Verbena bonariensis today.
Girl #1 was busy watching a lazy Sunday movie with Daddy (Winnie the Pooh?) and couldn't be bothered to worry about seeds today. So I enjoyed a little peace and quiet - except for my whispering of words of encouragement to my little seeds. Doesn't everyone do that? Huh. You're so weird.
I forgot to note that I had to replace both my grow lights downstairs this spring as they just pooped out and wouldn't light anymore even with new bulbs. Junk. So I brought one crappy old ballast in from the garage to get me by at first, but then bought a shiny new 4' double bulb fluorescent ballast from Menards recently on sale for $19.99 plus $7-8 for bulbs. It is awesome and my pansies are rejoicing and kicking some ass, going on 2-3" tall. I wish now that I had bought a second new light, but alas that day my cart at Menards was full of kids and coats and whatnot and I couldn't shoehorn another thing into it. I should have tried harder because the lights aren't on sale anymore and now I'm regretting it. I plan to rotate flats to give everybody turns under the hallelujah-bright light.
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