Here's what's up these days:
Brandywine tomatoes coming out of our ears.
Two batches so far of homemade spaghetti sauce- already eaten and gone.
One batch of fresh salsa and more to make if my new crop of cilantro gets a little bigger.
Three mini pumpkins harvested so far. All of the pumpkins and mums/kale in the photos we bought in town today. Damn you, squash vine borers. Note to self- grow some kale next year, at least for decorating. Not sure if I'll ever get on that kale chip bandwagon.
Lots of peppers- bell and jalapeno.
A few butternut squash might get big enough to eat before a freeze.
Have been using TONS of herbs in cooking lately due to salt restrictions (more on that whole ordeal some other post) and it's awesome! Dill, parsley (aphids hit it hard recently though) oregano (ditto aphids), basil, chives. Thinking I'll try starting more herbs in a windowsill soon for winter and move them downstairs under supplemental lighting if I need to. Herbs in the store are too expensive and often not fresh enough.
In other news, all free time these days is being devoted to painting our house, the Pink Palace, hopefully to a shade of un-pink
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