Last year Girl #1 and I discovered fairy gardening, which at first, I was quite enthusiastic about. Then my excitement waned as I realized fairy gardening accessories, although so freaking adorable, are way too expensive, fragile and/or sharp and pointy and therefore not all that friendly for young'uns, really. Nevertheless, with supervision I figure we can attempt it again this year. Although I refuse to spend more money on it. So, what plants to use that I already have that are on a smallish scale appropriate for a fairy forest? Hens n chicks, which overwintered in the pot from last year. Then I divided my mini hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' to use for 'trees'. The garden is sitting in part sun so thus weird combo should be OK(?). The Girl is happy, so mission accomplished.
I'm behind in posting my seed starting progress. On Wed, March 16th, about 8 weeks till last predicted frost, I started my pepper seeds. I planted two cells of Jalapeno, two of green bell peppers and 5 of the colorful Carnival Mix bells. I always plant 2-3 seeds per cell and then thin to the strongest survivor. So they are all up and happy now: I was planning to start my tomato and broccoli seeds a week ago on Tues, March 29th (6 weeks till last frost) but didn't get around to it until Friday, April 1st. Close enough. Mother Nature's behind this spring too if you ask me. It snowed last week, for pete's sake! Last night, I went down to water and check on things, and the Romanesco Broccoli seeds are already up! That's got to be a broccoli land speed record, right? Three days? The package says they emerge in 10-21 days so I am feeling pretty dang good about my wicked horticultural skillz. He...
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