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The first day of spring (?)

Technically, it's the first day of spring today, and we've still got about 1.5-2' of snowdrifts on the ground here in lovely Wisconsin.  What a difference from last year at this time when we were having weird 60 and 70 degree days and already designing landscapes for people.  Hard to believe I should be starting seeds with the scenery outdoors as it is now, but here we go. 

Actually, there we went, about a week ago on March 14th, when the Girl and I started our pepper seeds (8 weeks before our supposed last frost in this neck of the woods, again, hard to imagine this year) and some pansy seeds she picked out for herself.  Peppers included Jalapeno and sweet bell California Wonder, nothing too fancy.  The pansies are called Trimardeau Mix, for the record.  We discovered he pansies are already peeking out of the soil today, which certainly caused some three-year-old excitement!  We started most of these seeds in the basement under the grow lights as usual, but also put some pansies in Girlie's little teacup planter for the kitchen window upstairs:

Cute teacup planter
Today, we did our second round of planting: Cilantro, Sweet Basil, and some flowers just for fun.  Last year I didn't grow many annual flowers (not even one container on the patio, excepting the fairy garden - sheer laziness), but this year I have vowed to actually try to make things more colorful around here in addition to our veggies and edibles.

Flowers we planted so far: Dahlia Starlight Mixed, Cosmos Sensation, Marigold Dune Mixed (African), and Petunia Rose Vein Velvet.  No scientific reasons for choosing these, but purely impulse buying influenced by a 3 year old's color preferences.  I'm totally OK with that.  I'm not convinced the petunias will turn out to anything since the seeds are so tiny like dust and there was barely one dust bunny in the packet (thx for the ripoff, Thompson & Morgan!), but we'll see!

Next week we plan to plant our tomato seeds, and maybe something else flower-wise if I'm ambitious and we have the space under the lights.  Also, if I'm not in labor by then with baby #2, expected on the 28th.  It's going to be an interesting year!

My seed starting helper
P.S. I simply lost interest in blogging last garden season.  Too busy doing stuff to write about doing stuff.  I do remember LOTS of cherry tomatoes.  The rest of the gardening details from last season are long lost in the cobwebs of my mind.  Oh well, you don't want to go in there anyways.


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