Yesterday I spent much of my supposed last day on earth (some crazies have predicted this based on some ancient calendar somewhere) shoveling cow poop in the rain, slogging around in the mud from trailer to garden with a one-handled (ask Hubby about that) wheelbarrow. Thank goodness the predicted apocalypse did not yet arrive, as I'm not sure God would have let me in yesterday, at least without a shower to wash all the manure off. But all in all, it was a spectacular day! We have the boxes all filled and ready to plant!:
Soggy, but triumphant.
The Girl helped us for a while today before the rain really got going, then we finished up while she napped. |
Notice how sunny it is in this picture? The rain quit and the sun came out just as we finished the dirty work, of course. |
We also got the Girl's sandbox installed and filled, and a little stone path laid to it from the patio. Today I used my sad little broken wheelbarrow again to move some wood chips into the muddy paths so I can walk in between the boxes without sinking. Later, we'll topdress with some more attractive mulch but for now it'll do just fine.
Potager planting plans to come soon!
Oh, and also, in a fit of energy I attacked the raspberry patch and gave it a long overdue overhaul. I hadn't cleaned out the old canes since at least before the Girl was born on account of my preoccupation with mommyhood and before that just the general pregnancy-fat-and-lazy excuses, I guess. It was a refreshing process and I would have taken a before photo if I wasn't so ashamed of how it used to look. Seriously, there were trees growing in it. Here's the after photos:
You can actually see through the row now, wowza!
Um, yeah, the patch used to be as wide as the dirt area where the shovel is...slightly out of control, no? |
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