Yesterday was eight weeks until our last frost (supposedly), so the Girl and I did get around to starting our pepper plants today, all nine of them! I am trying not to overplant seeds this season, as Lord knows I don't need peppers from as many plants as I have seed for in three packets. We planted 2 to 3 seeds per cell, to be thinned to the healthiest sprout when they emerge. We'll have two Jalapeno plants, three California Wonder, and four Carnival Mix. The latter has by far the funnest colors, so I decided they'll get the most space. Google Images of Carnival Mix peppers and you'll see why.
Incidentally, when I say the Girl and I started the seeds, I mean I did it and it took three times as long as it should have while herding her out of all the forbidden junk in the basement and trying to keep her from drinking out of the watering can (no fert or anything in it, but still, gross). She's quite a helper. Ay, dios mio!
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