Well, in lieu of a traditional handwritten garden journal, I thought it might be fun to blog about my garden and landscape experiments instead. I've always liked the idea of keeping a record about my gardening successes and failures, but remembering to write regularly is the struggle. In spring, I would enthusiastically list in my notebook the various seed varieties I planted in the veggie garden and the date they were started. Sometimes I wrote the names of new perennials or shrubs I had heard about and was dying to try. Then the notebook would get lost, gathering dust on a shelf somewhere until about October. Usually at that point I could only write a vague summary of the growing season, typically something along the lines of: "Weeds again won battle for veggie plot. Forced to retreat to patio with low gardening self-esteem and cold beer." Which isn't all bad. The cold beer part, I mean. The veggie garden part, not so good. Maybe this blog/journal will be easier to maintain and therefore a more useful record-keeping system. Here's to learning from my gardening mistakes!
I'm behind in posting my seed starting progress. On Wed, March 16th, about 8 weeks till last predicted frost, I started my pepper seeds. I planted two cells of Jalapeno, two of green bell peppers and 5 of the colorful Carnival Mix bells. I always plant 2-3 seeds per cell and then thin to the strongest survivor. So they are all up and happy now: I was planning to start my tomato and broccoli seeds a week ago on Tues, March 29th (6 weeks till last frost) but didn't get around to it until Friday, April 1st. Close enough. Mother Nature's behind this spring too if you ask me. It snowed last week, for pete's sake! Last night, I went down to water and check on things, and the Romanesco Broccoli seeds are already up! That's got to be a broccoli land speed record, right? Three days? The package says they emerge in 10-21 days so I am feeling pretty dang good about my wicked horticultural skillz. He...
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