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Showing posts from March, 2014

Birthday party fairy garden practice

For Girl #2's first birthday party this Sunday, I wanted to do a spring theme, so we're planning to do fairy gardens with all the cousins at the party. We are saving milk jugs to use as containers instead of 'real' dish garden pots because I'm just so resourceful (on a budget) like that. I cut off the top of the jug with a heavy scissors and poked a few holes in the bottoms for drainage with a drywall screw that was laying around the work bench. Then I scavenged all the stuff around the storage rooms and house that I've been keeping for projects yet to be imagined. Turns out I a may be a hoarder. Here's the list: Rocks and pebbles (from our rock-pickin hikes on the North Shore) Seashells (from long ago seashell-pickin hikes in Florida) Pinecones (from old man neighbor's trees that dump cones in my yard) Moss Marbles Tiny drink umbrellas Beads Wire String Popsicle sticks Pipe Cleaners Tiny mirrors from mosaic stuff Hot glue gun (adul...

Seeding update

I am typing this on my phone in a spare minute while Girl #1 is playing in the bath and Girl #2 is being tucked in by Daddy. I planted seed for onions, bell pepper and jalapeno peppers, some Asters and Verbena bonariensis today.  Girl #1 was busy watching a lazy Sunday movie with Daddy (Winnie the Pooh?) and couldn't be bothered to worry about seeds today.  So I enjoyed a little peace and quiet - except for my whispering of words of encouragement to my little seeds.  Doesn't everyone do that?  Huh. You're so weird. I forgot to note that I had to replace both my grow lights downstairs this spring as they just pooped out and wouldn't light anymore even with new bulbs. Junk. So I brought one crappy old ballast in from the garage to get me by at first, but  then bought a shiny new 4' double bulb fluorescent ballast from Menards recently on sale for $19.99 plus $7-8 for bulbs. It is awesome and my pansies are rejoicing and kicking some ass, going on 2-3" tall....