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Showing posts from February, 2012

Green Expo, Part 1. Plant Trends and Edible Ornamentals

To keep on top of new happenings in the local landscaping world, in January I made my annual trek to Minneapolis to the mecca for landscape professionals in the Twin Cities, the Northern Green Expo.  I attended seminars put on by a bunch of smart plant folk and thought that unlike past years I'd blog what I absorbed before losing my notes on my desk or throwing them out in a fit of cleaning rage a few months down the road. I heard two seminars from Lloyd Traven, owner of Peace Tree Farms.  Check out  for more info.  I like him.  Seems like he's not afraid to speak his mind.  He's also an organic grower (hallelujah).  He uses ladybug larvae and other predators to control pests and says many sprays are totally ineffective now anyways since pests have built up so much resistance due to 'cide overuse.  Here are the hi...

Winter Projects, Part 2

February. Still boring, right?  I know.  One more quick winter project to record here before I start thinking non-boring, spring thoughts!  This finished project ended up being one of those only remotely-gardening-related things.  But it technically began last fall, when I was still in landscaping mode, so I declare it garden blog material.  It's kind of a long story.  Picture this: it's October, and all the crazy procrastinating homeowners are still calling the company I work with, wanting landscaping done before the snow flies (I love you, fellow procrastinators, but where were you all summer?!).  I am out one evening to meet a new client to measure for a design, and after introducing myself, I'm out hustling around her HUGE yard w/ tape measure, pencil, notebook and camera, trying to get notes and measurements taken down before it gets too dark to see.  It's October and starting to get da...