Here I am last spring with my daughter, now almost 15 months old. She kept me so busy adjusting to mommy-hood last summer that my yard and veggie garden were both a terrific shambles. But let's go back just a bit further: I was fortunate enough in early 2010 to be offered a super flexible part-time gig in landscape design. I work mostly from home, enabling me to be a stay-at-home SUPER MOM and still save my sanity by getting out of the house now and then to meet with clients when my husband is home for our girl. I'm pretty much on the phone or computer or drawing designs every second she naps, but what else can I do? I couldn't bear to miss my little girl growing up, and yet I didn't want to give up my career completely either. So, life is crazy, but we deal. Housework gets neglected until company is expected, laundry piles up until we run out of clean underwear, the lawn grows lush and high until the neighbo...
Landscape Design with some Life thrown in.