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Showing posts from December, 2011

A Long Goodbye

I haven't felt like writing here for a while because I wanted to write something about my Peanut and haven't been ready.  I am writing this for the process of personal healing, I guess, and for a record of my time with my loyal friend, although a stupid blog will hardly do a great dog justice.   Peanut puppy Peanut the pug loved to be out in the yard and was my best gardening buddy.  She loved to be anywhere her family was, actually, she was just a great companion dog.  She was a part of our family for 7 fun years and my Hubby and I called her our firstborn child.  For the last 7 months of her life she was having intermittant seizures.  They were scary as hell to me and sad because not only were they stressful on her body, as evidenced by her pounding heart, sore muscles and lack of balance afterwards, but she would go temporarily blind for a minute or two after an episode as well.  We would try to keep her from falling o...